
For over 40 years, Safer® Brand has been a leader in providing natural solutions to protect the places you love. Their products are powered by high-quality natural ingredients like oils from seeds and flowers, avoiding harsh chemicals. Focused on proven science, they ensure their solutions deliver results every time, offering simple and effective care for your home, garden, and lawn.


Safer Brand:

Product Summary: Safer Brand offers a wide range of natural and organic insecticides, fungicides, and pest control solutions for gardens, lawns, and indoor plants. Their popular lines include Insect Killing Soap, Endosect Spray, and Diatomaceous Earth. They emphasize safe and effective pest control while minimizing environmental impact.

Most Common Products: Safer Insect Killing Soap is a versatile option for controlling soft-bodied insects like aphids and mites. Diatomaceous Earth provides a natural and long-lasting solution for crawling insects.

Overall Goal: Safer Brand’s mission is to provide safe and effective pest control solutions for gardeners of all levels. They focus on utilizing natural ingredients and low-impact methods to control pests while protecting plants, beneficial insects, and the environment.